Welcome to my blog. When I was first diagnosed with kidney failure and learned I could qualify for a kidney
and pancreas transplant, I scoured the internet for information and didn't come up with much. This is a big step
for me; I'm pretty reserved naturally and most people who know me are not aware of my medical conditions.
So, here's my experience…read, follow, comment, share…support me in turning over this new leaf.

(If this is your first visit and you'd like to read the events in order, click here to start at the beginning.)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Trending up

  • All my bone pain is gone! I am relieved.
  • My WBC count is 4.14, a huge improvement from the lagging 1.6
  • My RBC count, h&h and basics are mediocre, but still improved since the previous weeks. 

All of this concrete improvement further confirms rejection as the cause of my most recent issues. My doctor has already determined this to be the case, and I am relieved to see further definitive results backing his theory.

My immunosuppressant and blood thinner levels are still all over the place. More adjustments and weekly labs are still necessary for an undetermined amount of time to stay on top of it. I'm still experiencing side effects from the immunosuppressants, but it feels like this is simply a necessary evil.  I'm hoping, with time, balance, stability; the tremors, numbness and dizziness will settle down.

All in all, my lab work is trending in the right direction. I'm trying to be realistic in my expectations of myself and my body. I finally work up the motivation(and absence of pain) to go to the gym today.

I take a Zumba class. I know I need someone else, peer pressure and music to motivate me. It is hard.  Funny thing is, it is probably the easiest Zumba class, with the slowest pace, I've ever taken. The instructor is new and a little nervous...lucky me! I have difficulty finishing sets and keep uncharacteristically peeking at the clock to see just how much longer I have to be done.

Towards the end, the instructor, urges everyone to finish strong and specifically pauses on me. I see her eyes shift from motivating to concerned. I check myself in the mirror and I am visibly pale and waning. Ugh.

Thank goodness it's cool down time. I'm achy and exhausted but proud to have completed the class. Exhaling and stretching has never been such a relief.

After a twenty minute recovery sitting on the gym couch, I really need to eat.  And I am surprisingly hungry! I actually eat a full, normal sized meal, something I haven't done in, wow...I don't know how long. Yay for Mimi's Cafe's  shrimp salad and chocolate mousse muffin!

Today, I enjoyed exercise AND food.  :)
(I'm aware these are simple pleasures, but I do appreciate the difference.)

It's me, not just my lab work, that's trending in the right direction.
What will tomorrow bring?

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