Welcome to my blog. When I was first diagnosed with kidney failure and learned I could qualify for a kidney
and pancreas transplant, I scoured the internet for information and didn't come up with much. This is a big step
for me; I'm pretty reserved naturally and most people who know me are not aware of my medical conditions.
So, here's my experience…read, follow, comment, share…support me in turning over this new leaf.

(If this is your first visit and you'd like to read the events in order, click here to start at the beginning.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 4 Post-Op (Oct 8, 2012)

I really looked at my stomach today. It's not pretty. There are 8" of staples is the shape of a slender S(like a snake) flowing down from my navel. It looks like an industrial strength zipper. On the left, there's a few staples closing up where my PD catheter used to be. On the right, there's a tube coming out of my abdomen connected to a fist sized bulb syringe, where the blood that's leaking internally can collect and get drained out. This is a lot to visually take in. 

My red blood cell count is down, my white blood cell count is up. I am anemic still. I get a blood transfusion. Everyone else says I look better afterwards; I feel the same.

But the doctors say everything is going exceptionally well, and they're prepping for me to go home. My creatinine is down to 5 something and my blood sugar varies between 95 and 120 WITH NO MEDICATION EVER. I have to keep reminding myself that I don't have to do dialysis anymore AND I don't have to take insulin shots anymore.  The way things are going, I wont have to take blood pressure medication either. Maybe my grey hairs will go away and my stretch marks will disappear.  The windfall is pleasantly unpredictable...It's all amazingly overwhelming. 

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