Welcome to my blog. When I was first diagnosed with kidney failure and learned I could qualify for a kidney
and pancreas transplant, I scoured the internet for information and didn't come up with much. This is a big step
for me; I'm pretty reserved naturally and most people who know me are not aware of my medical conditions.
So, here's my experience…read, follow, comment, share…support me in turning over this new leaf.

(If this is your first visit and you'd like to read the events in order, click here to start at the beginning.)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Round 2 at the Hospital (Oct 12, 2012)

Ugh. I don't want to go back, but I am grateful that they took my situation seriously. I wasn't going to the ER and wait until they could see me, they were having me re-admitted. When I arrived, there was, of course, no sense of urgency, but I was tired, not feeling well and just glad to be able to lay down....At first. 

I walked into my room and laid down at 6:30pm. A nurse greeted me and told me her shift was ending and I'd see the new nurse shortly. My dad had driven me, and he needed to get some dinner, so he excused himself and was gone for maybe 45 mins. While he was gone, no one came.

When he returned, he told me the nurse said I was staying until tomorrow. This was news to me. My nurse had told me I was to go get rehydrated/IV fluids and return home. I'm confused and he's tired, so he goes home and tells me he'll see me in the morning.  

Now it's 7:15 and I have to throw up. I painfully rush(this is probably hilarious to watch) to the bathroom, but it's just the omni-present unproductive stomach lurching that hurts so bad. I walk to the nurse's station and ask for a basin. The nurse let's me know that I need to be back in bed because I am dehydrated and I could be dizzy. As grateful as I am for her concern, I need the basin AND I point out to her that I have now been dehydrated in a hospital bed for an hour and no one has hooked up an IV to help me. She tells me they are working on it and to go lay down. 

So now I am sick and frustrated. At 7:45, a tech comes in and takes my vital signs. I ask him about putting in my IV. He says he's here to take vital signs, but he let the nurse know I asked. The nurse comes in. I ask her if she's going to put in my IV, she looks at me like she doesn't understand. I ask again, she says yes. Hallelujah. When? She tells me the tech is going to do it. Aaaargh!

Ultimately, the tech actually inserts the IV at 8:05, an hour and a half after I arrived to be treated for dehydration. Angry and frustrated and glad to be receiving liquids, I try to rest.

I don't really remember that night. At some point, they gave me anti-nausea meds and my stomach calmed down. I slept. I did not get up and walk. I was only bothered a few times during the night by a tech coming to test blood sugar and draw blood at 5am.

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