Welcome to my blog. When I was first diagnosed with kidney failure and learned I could qualify for a kidney
and pancreas transplant, I scoured the internet for information and didn't come up with much. This is a big step
for me; I'm pretty reserved naturally and most people who know me are not aware of my medical conditions.
So, here's my experience…read, follow, comment, share…support me in turning over this new leaf.

(If this is your first visit and you'd like to read the events in order, click here to start at the beginning.)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Paying It Forward: My New Normal

I am adjusting to my "new normal," a term borrowed from an old friend. It's April 18, and I have publicly committed to doing "some sort of exercise" every day for the month of April. Thus far, I've succeeded on 16 out of the 18 days...Yay, me!

My new normal means I am not overwhelmed with concerns about parvo, rejection, anemia or the weekly reveal of my lab work. Last month, I would get frustrated at the long delay between blood draw and results. This month, I don't even remember to get frustrated at the wait.

Today, I get last week's results back. All the standard stuff is within range, and...(drum roll please)...my parvo level has dropped from 1,000,000 to 103,000.  That's a lot of steps closer to zero than I expected. Yay, me! Again!

Now that I am overwhelmed with good news, I consciously decide I need to "pay it forward." I search online and find that the National Kidney Foundation's Northern Virginia  Kidney Walk is next week. What a great cause to get involved in!

I sign up both kids and me for the charity walk. We are Team: Pay It Forward. I'd love all the help we can get with our efforts. Here's the link so you can help someone sick get the opportunity for improved health, better quality of life, and a successful outcome like mine:

I am consciously grateful for the gifts and support I've received.
I am consciously impressed with my recent health improvements.
I am consciously aware of my good fortune.

My "new normal" means I will be consciously paying it forward at every opportunity.


  1. hey buddy it is nice to read that your are getting more healthy and happy day by day !
    keep good spirts ... bless ya

  2. Positive thinking can move mountains. Sending you lots and lots of positive energy.
