Welcome to my blog. When I was first diagnosed with kidney failure and learned I could qualify for a kidney
and pancreas transplant, I scoured the internet for information and didn't come up with much. This is a big step
for me; I'm pretty reserved naturally and most people who know me are not aware of my medical conditions.
So, here's my experience…read, follow, comment, share…support me in turning over this new leaf.

(If this is your first visit and you'd like to read the events in order, click here to start at the beginning.)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Impossible is Nothing

Wow! It's been a few weeks since my last post. Things are steadily improving...slowly, but still improving.

I'm tired still, but less tired than a month ago. My doctor extended my time between lab tests to two weeks. Honestly, this makes me a little nervous as I've already experienced how much can change in a few days.

Despite my concern, two weeks pass without incident. I'm working and working out...sporadically. I feel markedly better(but I'm still aware there's plenty of room for improvement).

And today...I got the best lab results I've ever gotten!
  • Creatinine (level of toxins in your blood) - 0.98 (healthy = 0.6-1.2)
  • Albumin (protein in blood) - 4.0 (healthy 4.0+,  I've never been higher than 3.5)
  • Amylase & Lipase - 97 & 45(pancreas functioning perfectly!)
  • GFR 84 (kidney filtration rate, normal range for healthy women with 2 functioning kidneys is 88+)

Wow! My one transplanted kidney is exceptional! It's been explained to me that GFR is kind of like the percentage of filtration your kidneys are doing. When I was diagnosed with end stage renal disease, my GFR was 5(ie kidneys functioning at 5%). And now, my ONE kidney is functioning at 84%.  (They don't even call it kidneys damage until you fall below 60!)

It's reasonable for me to expect 50% with one functioning kidney, but 84% I never saw coming...Yay, me!

I'm determined to keep this momentum going. I've set my sights on a day where I wake up refreshed, full of energy and without dark circles under my eyes.

This used to seem impossible, but with a GFR of 84, I'm pretty sure my body can do just about anything!

I also used to think this journey was physical, it's really not. If my body can achieve what never seemed possible, why can't I?

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